
By 22 BBY, a human boy named Wilmar on the luxury liner Halcyon pestered his father, Colram Vestig, about his promises to let him join a safari to the planet Numidian Prime to see the native Predavorexxes, but Vestig refused.

Wilmar got his wish when he was captured by a group of Weequays and brought to Numidian Prime. A Predavorexx attacked bounty hunter Aurra Sing, who was attempting to rescue Wilmar at the request of his father. One of the Weequays that Sing had coerced into bringing her to the boy was bitten in half by the Predavorexx, causing a Hutt present to bet on the creature killing Sing. But after running from the Predavorexx, Sing shot and killed it with her blaster rifle. One of the Hutts present was upset that Sing had killed the Predavorexx, and the other was upset that they lost their bet. Later, bounty hunter Zam Wesell arrived to help Aurra Sing and joked that she was late because she was putting her bets in on the Predavorexx.

Behind the scenes

Predavorexxes appeared in the second issue of the 2022 comic series Star Wars: Halcyon Legacy, written by Ethan Sacks.



