Praz Fateer

Praz Fateer was a pilot who lived during the New Republic Era. By 7 ABY, Fateer was unaffiliated and was present on Frander's Bay—a space station that orbited the Core Worlds planet Chandrila—where they offered their services to individuals looking for a pilot and was represented by a barker who extolled their exploits and skills. That year, whilst the New Republic operative Han Solo and his friend Lando Calrissian were searching to hire a pilot on Frander's Bay, Fateer's barker yelled that the pilot was the fastest flier on the Outer Rim planet Alzoc III, though Solo was unimpressed with the claim. The two eventually hired the pilot Taka Jamoreesa.

Praz Fateer was mentioned in the 2018 novel Last Shot, written by Daniel José Older.

Behind the scenes

Praz Fateer was mentioned in the 2018 novel Last Shot, written by Daniel José Older.






