

In 5 ABY, she was a settler on Ruusan and an excellent marksman. After the Battle of Fort Nowhere when the Imperial Vengeance Battle Group invaded the planet, she joined the group of survivors under the leadership of Grif Grawley.

One night she was one of the six settlers who accompanied Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors in their attempt to contact the native Bouncers. That night, they were engaged in battle against patrol 341 who attacked the defensless creatures for sport. One skimmer with a speeder bike rounded them and started shooting at the rocks; most of the group went against the troopers with Katarn, while Portia stayed behind, watching Ors's back.

Ors had a plan and had to trust Portia's markmanship for this: while Portia remained hidden sniping, Ors climbed a rock and lit a flare to lure the bike and cause it to stop to acquire a target. Portia had to wait for the right moment in order not to miss the first shot, and pulled the trigger. After seven bolts, the biker fell dead.

Personality and traits

By 5 ABY Portia was a teenager. She had dark skin and intelligent eyes.

Her seniors said she was one of the best shooters, and she kept her gun well maintained.



