Porta potty

A porta potty was a type of refresher that could be relocated. They had white exteriors and blue doors with a rectangular shape and sloped roofs. Porta potties could be designated to individual species, including humans, Jawas, and Wookiees; this designation was represented with a sign displaying a representation of the respective species. As such, their sizes varied. During a cooperative race between parents and their children, the racer Julan Van Reeple snydely referred to Annisoukaline Kalfus' ship—and home—as a porta potty, and requested it be moved off of the racetrack after Kalfus' mother had landed it there. Actual porta potties were present at the race as well, available to its spectators.

Porta potties appeared in "I Am Your Mother," the fourth episode of Star Wars: Visions' second volume, which premiered on Disney+ on May 4, 2023. They were first mentioned in the trailer for Visions Volume 2, and pictured in the Empire article "Star Wars Visions: Aardman's Racing Pilot Short Brings Back Wedge Antilles: ‘He Has More Lines In Our Film Than The Original Trilogy!' — Exclusive Image," which covered information pertaining to "I Am Your Mother."

Behind the scenes

Porta potties appeared in "I Am Your Mother," the fourth episode of Star Wars: Visions' second volume, which premiered on Disney+ on May 4, 2023. They were first mentioned in the trailer for Visions Volume 2, and pictured in the Empire article "Star Wars Visions: Aardman's Racing Pilot Short Brings Back Wedge Antilles: ‘He Has More Lines In Our Film Than The Original Trilogy!' — Exclusive Image," which covered information pertaining to "I Am Your Mother."



