Port Lennax

Port Lennax was a location in the galaxy. In 231 BBY, while infiltrating the Nihil pirates posing as a Storm, Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis claimed to the Tempest Runner Zeetar that she had learned the Jedi had allied with a Hutt against the Drengir from a Battrach gunrunner at Port Lennax. The Hutt in question, Myarga Anjiliac Atirue, had been taken prisoner by Zeetar's Tempest, and Trennis was attempting to avoid being forced to kill her in cold blood to prove she was truly a Nihil. However, Myarga recognized Trennis and blew her cover, resulting in the Hutt's death and the capture of Trennis and her fellow infiltrator Terec.

Port Lennax was first canonically mentioned in the tenth issue of the comic series Star Wars: The High Republic, written by Cavan Scott and illustrated by Georges Jeanty as part of the multimedia project of the same name and published on October 20, 2021. Port Lennax originated as a trading settlement on the planet Lennax in the unlicensed Star Wars Legends roleplaying adventure "Flight of the Jedi," which was published in the nineteenth and twentieth issues of Valkyrie magazine.

Behind the scenes

Port Lennax was first canonically mentioned in the tenth issue of the comic series Star Wars: The High Republic, written by Cavan Scott and illustrated by Georges Jeanty as part of the multimedia project of the same name and published on October 20, 2021. Port Lennax originated as a trading settlement on the planet Lennax in the unlicensed Star Wars Legends roleplaying adventure "Flight of the Jedi," which was published in the nineteenth and twentieth issues of Valkyrie magazine.



