Porkins Belly Run

The Porkins Belly Run was a flight maneuver taught as a training basic to the pilots of the Resistance around thirty years after the Battle of Endor. It was named in honor of the venerated pilot Jek Tono Porkins, who flew for the Alliance to Restore the Republic and lost his life during the Battle of Yavin, in which the Rebellion successfully destroyed the Galactic Empire's first Death Star. The maneuver involved the use of a starfighter's repulsors, engines, and sensors as well as a pilot's intuition and allowed for a Resistance pilot to attack an enemy at high acceleration and a low angle, making it more difficult for enemy installations and starfighters to destroy oncoming starfighters.

The Porkins Belly Run was first mentioned in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo and published in 2015.

Behind the scenes

The Porkins Belly Run was first mentioned in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo and published in 2015.

