

Galactic Electronics decided to sell the magnetic pulse warhead to the Rebel Alliance. An Imperial law banned the sale of such weapons, but since the Corporate Sector was neutral in the Galactic Civil War, they could easily bypass this law.

The Rebels used the magnetic pulse in a raid on an Imperial Research Station. The station security forces captured a Rebel B-wing starfighter using the warhead, and traced it back to the Corporate Sector, Galactic Electronics, and more specifically, research station Pondut.

Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin was sent to capture Pondut and freeze Galactic Electronics' assets. This meant entering neutral Corporate Sector territory, but the deed was still completed. Zaarin was "infrantic about capturing everybody!" according to an Assault Gunboat pilot. Pondut was captured with all personnel accounted for. Imperial-Corporate Sector relations were at an all-time low after the skirmish at Pondut.


  • TIE Fighter: The Official Strategy Guide
  • TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM: The Official Strategy Guide
  • The Essential Atlas



