Poison ivy

Poison ivy was a plant that grew on the Forest Moon of Endor in bushes and caused an itchy rash. When the Ewok Wicket Warrick was going fishing with his younger sister, Winda, the little wokling dropped her rod next to a poison ivy bush. Wicket chased after rod and went through the ivy to get it, but Winda then giggled, pointing out that it was poison ivy, which caused him to itch. After the Ewoks got home, their mother, Shodu, told Wicket to go get a cure for the rash from Logray, the medicine man. Logray provided a potion that cured Wicket's itch and sent him into a deep sleep.

Poison ivy appeared in Wicket Goes Fishing: An Ewok Adventure, a 1986 picture book written by Melinda Luke and illustrated by A. O. Williams.

Behind the scenes

Poison ivy appeared in Wicket Goes Fishing: An Ewok Adventure, a 1986 picture book written by Melinda Luke and illustrated by A. O. Williams.



