Poe Dameron 14

Publisher's summary

  • It is a sad day for the Resistance as they mourn the loss of a fallen comrade.
  • But their fight is far from over—the First Order must be stopped!
  • And Captain Phasma knows just how to get Terex to toe the line.

Plot summary

Black Squadron, along with many others in the Resistance, attend a funeral for L'ulo L'ampar. Leia Organa gave a speech, and invited Poe Dameron to speak as well. He spoke about being more than flesh and bone, specifically mentioning the Force and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

In First Order space, Terex was held prisoner on a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer. He demanded to speak to Phasma, claiming to have information that could defeat the Resistance. Phasma entered.

While the others are at L'ampar's wake, Dameron and BB-8 fixed his starfighter. Organa found him and questioned him about Oddy Muva. Dameron recounted that Muva had reconfigured an escape pod and flown away, but he was certain that Muva had given information to Terex. Also, C-3PO's memory unit had been cut out.

Terex told Phasma about the memory unit, but Phasma crushed it, telling him it was useless. The data had been corrupted by an electrical surge, and Terex remembered when BB-8 shocked him. Terex pled for his freedom, but Phasma ignored him, giving him one last chance to request an audience with her.

Organa grounded Dameron, and he protested, claiming there was too much work to do. Organa told him to figure out why he had been grounded. Dameron joined the others at the wake.

Terex requested his audience, and told Phasma why the First Order's cause was just. Phasma agreed that he was committed and knew useful information, and stormtroopers came to take him away.

Dameron and Organa spoke about how the fight was more than one person, and Dameron could inspire others. Organa ungrounded Dameron, and told him Black Squadron's next mission.

Terex was given a cybernetic implant that made him totally compliant.


  • Star Wars: Poe Dameron Vol. 3 — Legend Lost



