Plasma battle droid

These rare units were distinguished from their B1 battle droid cousins by the green coloration of the droid's shoulder plates and enormous height. Plasma battle droids' blasts and appearance made them both formidable and deadly, however they were extremely inaccurate as well as clumsy.

In 32 BBY, they were used to guard the Theed Hangar Great Hall for a short time during the Invasion of Naboo. Neither droid survived when attacked by Jedi warriors, soon after the Fall of Theed. Several more were found in the swamps near the Gungan Ruins, but they suffered the same fate as their predecessors.

Plasma battle droids appear in the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles. Their appearance in a mission contradicts Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. In the game, the Jedi face two plasma battle droids, whereas in the film they face a contingent of battle droids.

Behind the scenes

Plasma battle droids appear in the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles. Their appearance in a mission contradicts Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. In the game, the Jedi face two plasma battle droids, whereas in the film they face a contingent of battle droids.




