Pillage of hyperspace routes

Around 9 ABY, during the New Republic Era, an Imperial remnant force carried out a series of hit-and-run attacks on hyperspace routes with the aim of pillaging valuables. The attacks were carried out on the order of the remnant's commander, whose actions risked bringing New Republic attention towards a wider plot to restore the fallen Galactic Empire.

The attacks

The commander of an Imperial remnant force (left) was eager to extract whatever wealth they could from the hyperspace lanes and defended the attacks as a way to secure a fortune.

The commander of an Imperial remnant force (left) was eager to extract whatever wealth they could from the hyperspace lanes and defended the attacks as a way to secure a fortune.

During the New Republic Era, at some point after the fall of the Galactic Empire in 5 ABY, an Imperial remnant force emerged in the galaxy under the leadership of an Imperial warlord with the rank of commander. While the commander would partner with other remnant leaders as part of the Shadow Council and work as part of its conspiracy to overthrow the reigning New Republic with a restored Empire, the warlord also grew interested in the riches one could acquire from robbing the galaxy's hyperspace routes. With that in mind, the commander had their remnant carry out a series of hit-and-run attacks to pillage whatever valuables they could find around 9 ABY.

While such operations could indeed generate a fortune, they risked bringing attention to the Shadow Council's wider conspiracy before its war effort had even begun. Indeed, as the commander's attacks began to generate notice, the commander attended a council meeting via hologram and was lambasted by Captain Gilad Pellaeon, a fellow Shadow Council member who feared such open attacks would result in the New Republic discovering and destroying their movement. Beyond defending their attacks as a useful way to generate wealth, the commander believed Palleaon—who secured numerous resources from the council and repeatedly promised its members that Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn" would return from exile to help begin their efforts—did not understand their predicament.

Behind the scenes

The pillaging of hyperspace routes was mentioned in The Mandalorian episode "Chapter 23: The Spies," which premiered on Disney+ on April 12, 2023 as the penultimate episode of The Mandalorian Season Three.



