Pi (Class-D cargo container)

Pi was a Class-D cargo container of the Rebel Alliance. At one point, it was identified as a Rebel arms cache by the Galactic Empire's starfleet and attacked by the IPV-1 System Patrol Craft Scythis and the Assault Gunboat Mu 1. Pi was defended by a small field of Type 1 mines that were each armed with a laser cannon. After the gunboat destroyed the mines and began inspecting Pi, the container released the Rebel Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport Weet. However, Mu 1 disabled the transport, allowing Scythis to capture the Rebels aboard. The gunboat then destroyed Pi.

The battle was subsequently replicated in an Imperial gunboat pilot flight simulator. Soon after the Battle of Yavin, the Human Maarek Stele was among the pilot trainees.



