Pesmenben IV


Pesmenben IV was a terrestrial planet with dunes, occupying the fourth orbital position in the Pesmenben system. It was located in the Teraab sector, a part of the Slice portion of the Mid Rim. Its ore deposits were superior to those of the nearby planet Ruusan.


Lando Calrissian once operated a lithium scam on Pesmenben IV.

Lando Calrissian once operated a lithium scam on Pesmenben IV.

At some point by 0 BBY, the Human businessman Lando Calrissian ran a lithium scam on Pesmenben IV: he and a group of associates salted its dunes with lithium carbonate—in a similar fashion to how he himself had been duped by a berubian mine scheme in the Borgo asteroid belt—in order to fool its Imperial governor into leasing the planet. Calrissian posed as a non-union mine guard and made the governor lie face down in the bottom of a boat, forcing the latter to throw his bribe overboard when the former's associates, the "union officials," raided them. Calrissian and company got away with the Pesmenben job, and he was later reminded of it when posing as a guard in Jabba's Palace on the planet Tatooine, hoping that that job would be similarly successful but expecting that the opposing guards there would possibly need to be thrown overboard as well.

Calrissian's scam on Pesmenben IV was mentioned in the galactic history chronicle The Essential Chronology in 25 ABY and its later update in 36 ABY, The New Essential Chronology.

Behind the scenes

Pesmenben IV was first mentioned in James Kahn's May 12, 1983 novelization of the original trilogy film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which was released on May 25 of the same year.

"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a 1990 roleplaying game source article published in issue thirteen of the Voyages SF magazine, placed the Pesmenben system, and therefore Pesmenben IV, in the Trebela sector; however, as the magazine was released outside of the Lucas Licensing process, its canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity was never confirmed. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas subsequently placed the Pesmenben system in grid square Q-11, and the Online Companion to the book subsequently overrode the Voyages SF placement by establishing the Pesmenben system to have been a part of the Teraab sector.




