Pejanes Kindar

Colonel Pejanes Kindar was an officer in the Alliance Military by the height of the Galactic Civil War, where he was assigned to an outpost on the planet Stenos. Kindar soon began to suspect that a valuable artifact was concealed within the Rebels' Stenos hideaway, which was located within an ancient temple atop a tall mountain covered in inscrutable hieroglyphs. Kindar fled Stenos when the Empire moved in on the world sometime after the Battle of Yavin—Rebel command sent a team led by Yavin heroes Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia Organa to investigate and check in with Kindar when they missed their routine check-in, but they found that Kindar's outpost was instead occupied by a spacer gang led by ruffian Rik Duel. Claiming that Kindar had tasked him and his friends with finding the artifact within the temple, Duel convinced the Rebels to aid in his search—however, after unearthing the lost statue of the Stenax god Vol, Duel revealed that he was instead secretly working for the Empire.




