Peet Deretalia

Peet Deretalia was a human who worked as a technician for the Resistance ground crew. During Deretalia's service, she became affectionate toward X-wing pilot Theo Meltsa, but she was too timid to introduce herself. By 34 ABY, the astromech droid BB-8 enacted a scheme that introduced Deretalia to Meltsa, and the two humans immediately bonded. Deretalia thanked BB-8 with an extra oil bath, and she sent a commendation of the droid to Commander Poe Dameron.

Resistance technician

BB-8 bumps into Peet Deretalia.

BB-8 bumps into Peet Deretalia.

Peet Deretalia was a human technician who served in the Resistance against the First Order. Working for the ground crew at the Resistance base on the planet D'Qar, Deretalia serviced and maintained T-70 X-wing starfighters and Resistance droids. During her time as a technician, Deretalia fell in love with Resistance pilot Theo Meltsa. Likewise, Meltsa had feelings for Deretalia, but they were both too shy to introduce themselves.

By 34 ABY, the astromech droid BB-8 took notice of Deretalia and Meltsa's mutual feelings, so the droid formed a plan to introduce them. BB-8 sabotaged Meltsa's X-wing starfighter and approached Deretalia, halting her work by repeatedly bumping into her. Deretalia quickly grew irritated of BB-8's antics and told the droid to stop, but the droid continued, knocking her off balance and causing her to fall into Meltsa.

Meeting Meltsa

Peet Deretalia, Theo Meltsa, and BB-8

Peet Deretalia, Theo Meltsa, and BB-8

Deretalia and Meltsa immediately bonded, and the pilot introduced himself, asking Deretalia if she could repair his ship. Deretalia cheerfully obliged, and she invited Meltsa to get a meal, stating that she knew the chef in the mess hall. Meltsa accepted her offer, and before the two left, Deretalia thanked BB-8 with a kiss. Hand-in-hand, Deretalia and Meltsa departed for the mess hall.

Later, Deretalia spoiled BB-8 with an extra oil bath, and she sent a note to Commander Poe Dameron, praising BB-8's wisdom. In the note, Deretalia also expressed concern for Meltsa's safety, and she requested that Dameron watch over him. Dameron eventually included a copy of the note in his flight log which he compiled after the Battle of Starkiller Base in 34 ABY.

Personality and traits

Deretalia had black hair, green eyes, and dark skin. She had affectionate feelings for Meltsa, but she was too shy and bashful to introduce herself. When Deretalia's work was disrupted by BB-8, she was annoyed, but she became grateful once she understood the droid's plan. Deretalia worried for Meltsa every time he entered his X-wing, and she voiced her concerns to Dameron. Her favorite droid was BB-8, whom she regularly spoiled with oil baths.

Skills and abilities

Theo Meltsa asks Peet Deretalia to repair his X-wing.

Theo Meltsa asks Peet Deretalia to repair his X-wing.

As a technician, Deretalia performed maintenance tasks on T-70 X-wing starfighters, and she was also responsible for servicing Resistance droids. When Meltsa's X-wing motivator was sabotaged by BB-8, Deretalia was easily able to repair the ship.


Deretalia wore brown gloves, black boots, and green overalls over a dark-green shirt. When working on Resistance starfighters, Deretalia carried a toolbox containing an assortment of devices. As a technician for the Resistance's droid pool, Deretalia had access to oil baths.

Behind the scenes

Peet Deretalia first appeared in "SaBBotage," a comic story created by Chris Eliopoulos and Jordie Bellaire. The story was published in first issue of the Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic-book series, which was released on April 6, 2016. The name "Peet Deretalia" is a tuckerization of "Pete The Retailer," a co-host of the Star Wars Minute fan podcast.




