
Paxin was a Rebel agent operating on the "Gambler's World" of Vorzyd V during the era of the Galactic Civil War. In 1 ABY, Paxin was captured by Imperials along with prominent Rebel leaders Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, and a Selonian fellow operative named Falud. Skywalker's two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2, infiltrated the ship where the Rebels were being held and freed them from their bonds, allowing them to overpower their stormtrooper guards and attempt to blast their way free. Although Falud was killed in the escape, Paxin managed to make it off the ship with Skywalker and Organa. Paxin later attended a meeting with Skywalker, Organa and local Rebel cell leader Sanglui, where they drew straws to determine which of them would rendezvous with a highly placed member of the Vorzyd V government who was clandestinely supporting the Rebel cause.

Paxin made his first and only appearance in the Star Wars Legends continuity in Gambler's World, a comic strip story arc written and illustrated by Russ Manning and released in 1979.

Behind the scenes

Paxin made his first and only appearance in the Star Wars Legends continuity in Gambler's World, a comic strip story arc written and illustrated by Russ Manning and released in 1979.



