Parkellan Sling

Parkellan Sling was a brown beverage that was served at the castle of the pirate Maz Kanata on the planet Takodana. The beverage shared its name with the astronomical object Parkella. In 5 ABY, the human smuggler Han Solo ordered a tankard of Parkellan Sling while in the castle searching for the Imperial turncoat Ralsius Paldora.

After finishing the drink, Solo ordered another from Kanata, who initially demanded the smuggler first pay for his previous drink, but then served the man after he shared with her what he was doing in the castle. Solo then downed the drink in one go before leaving to find Paldora.

Parkellan Sling appeared in the video game Star Wars Battlefront II, released in 2017.

Behind the scenes

Parkellan Sling appeared in the video game Star Wars Battlefront II, released in 2017.



