Pamel Poul

Early life

Poul grew up on an affluent sector of Coruscant. Unlike most of her friends, she had no desire to serve on the frontlines of the imperial military. However, she did wish to serve the Empire and she had a affinity for administration. She noted that her work was dull, but she enjoyed it and she was good enough that she got a quick promotion to Station Commander.

Serving aboard the Death Star

Pamel gained a quick promotion to Station Commander of Station Control West, one of four command posts that oversaw the station's running. During 0 BBY, Docking Bay 327 went on lockdown due to a ship being impounded. This annoyed Pamel, who saw it ruin her perfect shift report. She went over to Ensign Toos and Sublieutenant Slallen to question them why the hangar was still being cleared. Slallen told her that the reason was because Captain Edmos Khurgee still had a scanning team on the YT-1300 light freighter. At that time, Commander Sheard arrived to take Pamel's shift. Suddenly, a red alarm for Detention Block AA-23 went off. Toos called in and asked them what happened to which a voice responded that they had a had a weapons malfunction. When Toos replied that they were sending a squad in, the person on the comm told them that there was a reactor leak and it was not safe. Sheard asked who was the duty officer down there and learned it was Lieutenant Childsen. Toos said that the voice did not sound like the one of Childsen and requested a security team. Pamel denied and told him to first check power systems. After seeing that there was no reactor leak, Pamel authorized a squad to secure the detention block. Pamel called Grand Moff Tarkin with a priority red alert to which he responded that the princess must remain secure. After this conversation, Pamel had Sheard replace her shift and went to get a drink.

Behind the scenes

Pamel Poul appears in the short story "End of Watch" from the anthology From a Certain Point of View. She is narrated in the audiobook edition by Janina Gavankar.






