
The pallaskean was a species of sea serpent that resided in the oceans of the planet Ahch-To.

While training with Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, Rey uncovered a pallaskean nest, angering the mother, which then attacked them. The two of them and Chewbacca rushed in and replaced the rock over the eggs. After the creature was pacified, Rey confirmed that she learned a lesson about rushing in.

Behind the scenes

The pallaskean appeared in the comic story "Life Lessons," written by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Derek Charm, and published in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 26 by IDW Publishing on September 25, 2019. Scott named the pallaskean after the Panna dragon, which appeared in The Story of the Faithful Wookiee, an animated segment of the 1978 film The Star Wars Holiday Special.


  • Star Wars Biomes



