Pacor sector

The Pacor sector contained the Traval-Pacor system, which was situated at a junction of hyperlanes connecting the Pacor to the Corthenia and Glythe sectors. By 1 BBY, the system was the site of the Traval-Parcor System Institute of Technology. The Galactic Empire used a shipyard in the Traval-Pacor system to produce Imperial-class Star Destroyers by 4 ABY. In 12 ABY, a battle was fought in the system between the naval forces of the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic, in which the latter faction was victorious.

The Pacor sector was established in the Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. The first visual depiction of the sector was in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, on a map designed by Modi.

Behind the scenes

The Pacor sector was established in the Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. The first visual depiction of the sector was in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, on a map designed by Modi.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
