PAC20 visual wrist comlink

The wrist comlink combined standard audio comlink functioned with a screen for video transmission and data displays. The unit acted as a basic datapad, able to store and retrieve data from droids, computers (via a direct link), comm signals, and standard datacards.

The visual capabilities of the unit were taxing on the power cell and needed to be replaced after ten days of operation. The small, rectangular screen could be easily attached to nearly any surface, though a glove was commonly used in conjunction with this device.


The wrist comlink combined standard audio comlink functioned with a screen for video transmission and data displays. The unit acted as a basic datapad, able to store and retrieve data from droids, computers (via a direct link), comm signals, and standard datacards.

The visual capabilities of the unit were taxing on the power cell and needed to be replaced after ten days of operation. The small, rectangular screen could be easily attached to nearly any surface, though a glove was commonly used in conjunction with this device.
