P-s4 ion engine

The SFS P-s4 ion engine was a twin ion engine developed by Sienar Fleet Systems. It was an improvement over the old P-s3 ion engines, and were used as the primary engine system of the TIE/ln space superiority starfighter, TIE/sa bomber, TIE/rb heavy starfighter, TIE/sh shuttle, and TIE Boarding Craft.


The P-s4 was an advanced model of ion engines manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems to be installed in the Imperial Navy's TIE series craft. They were designed as an improvement over the older P-s3 whose heat exchangers were prone to flux and lacked fuel efficiency, which was improved by 15% in the P-s4 and were fitted on both bombers and starfighters of the TIE line.

For more efficient power generation, the P-s4 was connected both to the TIEs' solar collector wings and to the solar ionization reactor by two golden and blue power lines respectively. A propellant pump was installed on the injector housing, next to the power lines. To generate thrust, a particle energizer excited the ion particles provided by the injector and propelled them towards a magnetic ring which further accelerated them. The energized particles then entered the ionization chamber where the reaction occurred and were subsequently shot out of the engine, creating hurls which propelled the craft through realspace. Vectoring grids installed on the edge of the engine controlled particle emissions and maneuvered the craft according to the pilot's commands which were transferred to the grids via cable link from the ship's computer.




