Otoh Mandassa

Otoh Mandassa was a city built and inhabited by the amphibian Gungan race in the swamps on the planet Naboo. During the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation in 32 BBY, the troops of the Gungan Grand Army gathered on the Great Grass Plains outside the Human city of Theed to fight the Trade Federation Droid Army. Gungans from Otoh Mandassa participated in the battle along with their brethren from many other cities such as Otoh Gunga, Oxon City and Umberbool City.

Otoh Mandassa was been mentioned in the 2001 LucasArts Video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. The city is mentioned in the intro to the level "The Battle for Theed", the seventh level in the Gungan campaign.

Behind the scenes

Otoh Mandassa was been mentioned in the 2001 LucasArts Video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. The city is mentioned in the intro to the level "The Battle for Theed", the seventh level in the Gungan campaign.






