Order of the Night Wind

The Order of the Night Wind, or simply the Night Wind, was an order of assassins that were located in Hutt Space. They were acrobatic warriors that could leap from rooftops and attack swiftly, using close quarter weapons and projected energy shields to box in their targets. They were reputed to be the best assassins-for-hire in the galaxy, and when captured they were unlikely to divulge information about their clients. Night Wind assassins ambushed Daimyo Boba Fett, but failed to kill him. Fennec Shand captured one of them alive. The assassin was questioned and initially refused to reveal who sent him, but after he was dropped to a rancor pit, he claimed that Mayor Mok Shaiz hired them.

When the assassin was brought before the mayor, Mok Shaiz had his guard kill him. He stated that this was because the Night wind weren't allowed to operate outside of Hutt space. He then gave a bounty reward to Boba Fett, who instead took the payment as tribute.

Later on when Boba Fett and Fennec Shand were discussing about the assassin, Fennec said that the mayor had no power to hire the Night Wind. The newly arrived Twin Hutts were a likely suspects. However she was open to the possibility that a third or fourth party was involved.

Though later on it was discover that the mayor was working with the Pyke Syndicate. The Pyke Syndicate had the power, wealth and means to hire the Night Wind on behest of the mayor. So when the Night Wind said that he was sent by the mayor he was telling the truth, but it was the Pyke Syndicate that hired his services.










