Onadax Droid Technologies

This process relied on a distinct subform of Ssi-Ruuvi entechment that allowed the entechment rig to copy a being's sentience, personality, and even consciousness completely from one body to a machine, electronically inscribing the data within the machine itself, thereby bypassing the complications of actual life transference. In addition to inscribing regular HRDs, ODT had also started work on new All-Species Replica Droids to replicate other species. The company was run by the HRD incarnation of Stanton Rendar, whose creation had been the main goal of the company's founding by Dash Rendar and Guri.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, ODT created the HRD version of Prime Minister Molierre Cundertol. Jedi Knight Jaina Solo traveled to Onadax to investigate the Cundertol replica and tried to persuade Rendar to turn himself in to the Galactic Alliance. He responded by unleashing the factory's droids on Solo to cover his escape. The ensuing battle led to the destruction of the factory, but Rendar got away.

The short story that introduced this company, "Or Die Trying," called it only ODT and never defined what, if anything, those letters stood for. The acronym can stand for either Onadax Droid Technologies or the story's title, which may have been an intentional double meaning.

Behind the scenes

The short story that introduced this company, "Or Die Trying," called it only ODT and never defined what, if anything, those letters stood for. The acronym can stand for either Onadax Droid Technologies or the story's title, which may have been an intentional double meaning.



