
Omogg was a female Drackmarian warlord.


Omogg was a incredibly wealthy Drackmarian warlord.

After the Battle of Yavin, she owned the contract of the Morseerian smuggler Nabrun Leids in their native Quelii sector, although he finally abandoned her.

Omogg's family had owned Dathomir for years but the planet had little value for the methane-breathing Drackmarians. In 1 ABY, Omogg sent a representative to Dathomir in order to explore the planet. From the Dathomir Trade Outpost, the representative recruited adventurous spacer to brave the planet's dangerous wilds and record holograms of specific point of interests.

Sometimes prior to the Battle of Endor, the Drackmarian warlords were defeated by Imperial forces led by Grand Moff Zsinj of the Quelii Oversector. Omogg therefore lost control of Dathomir.

Omogg (left) playing a sabacc game with Han Solo.

Omogg (left) playing a sabacc game with Han Solo.

A few years after the Battle of Endor, General Han Solo was commanding the New Republic campaign against Zsinj who had became the most powerful Imperial warlord. In the meantime, the Drackmarians discovered that Zsinj's secret base was located above Dathomir. They then elaborated a subtle move to attract the New Republic to Dathomir. In 8 ABY, Omogg thus visited Coruscant where she frequented the Crystal Jewel casino. In a sly move, Omogg used the deed to Dathomir as collateral in a sabacc game which she lost to Han Solo, leaving him owning the Nightsister-infested planet, which Solo planned to use in a bid for Leia Organa's marriage. Later, after Han Solo abducted Leia Organa to Dathomir, Omogg was captured by the guards of Ta'a Chume, the Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium. The guards interrogated Omogg by pulling at her breathing helmet, but were stopped by Luke Skywalker, to whom a grateful Omogg revealed Dathomir's name and location through the power of the Force so that Ta'a Chume would not know its name. However, Ta'a Chume had already obtained that information. After Luke Skywalker and Prince Isolder, Ta'a Chume's son, departed to Dathomir too, she dispatched a large fleet to the Dathomir system in order to rescue her son. The Hapan fleet destroyed Zsinj's fleet in the subsequent battle and Zsinj himself was killed by Han Solo. Hence, the Drackmarians had their revenge.


  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
  • Secrets of the Sisar Run
  • Cracken's Threat Dossier
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia






