Old Silver Eyes


The man known as "Old Silver Eyes" became the ninth administrator of the Wheel space station late in his life, following the disappearance of the droid Master-Com, who served as the eighth administrator of the Wheel for ninety-seven years before vanishing. After the droid vanished, the station was without an administrator for several weeks during which time the station's facilities deactivated. Then overnight the station suddenly lit up again and its services returned to normal, only with "Old Silver Eyes" now running the show. No one on the Wheel knew where the new administrator had come from, but he ran the station as successfully as his predecessor had, and with the same popularity amongst its guests. After three years of running the Wheel, in which the station's profits peaked, the man died peacefully in his sleep. Soon after his death, the Wheel was purchased by the Biituian Dov Paploush, whom discovered that the Wheel's had been unplugged and replaced it with more modern technology.

Personality and traits

"Old Silver Eyes" was a charismatic Human male who whilst working as administrator of the Wheel was known to radiate a captivating classical quality. The enigmatic administrator was as genial as his incredibly popular droid predecessor, if not more so, and just as proficient at the job, with some claiming he worked with almost super-human efficiency. To many of those who worked with "Old Silver Eyes" it felt as if Master-Com had never left, although if questioned on the droid's disappearance, the Human would only turn up his hands and smile. During the three years he served as the administrator of the Wheel its patrons, and perhaps the station itself, pulsed with elation. "Old Silver Eyes" had gray hair and a moustache by the time he came to run the Wheel as well as silver colored eyes.

Behind the scenes

"Old Silver Eyes" was first mentioned in the second entry of Viva Space Vegas! The History of the Marvelous Wheel, a pair of articles released on the StarWars.com blog in 2013 and written by Abel G. Peña and Rich Handley. The entry describes his eyes as ocular receptors when detailing his death, possibly hinting at some form of connection to his droid predecessor.
