Old Gungan

Old Gungan was the language spoken thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin by the Gungans of Naboo. Over time, much of Old Gungan was supplanted by a form of pidgin Basic commonly called Gunganese. However, Old Gungan words were commonly inserted into Gunganese, creating a mix of terms both familiar and completely alien to non-Gungans.

Translators have based their work largely off the discovery of the Gung Slabs, artifacts that provide translations of Old Gungan into Old Corellian.

Words in Old Gunganese

The following are words whose etymology comes largely from Old Gungan:

  • beeg buba -
  • bodooka or booma -
  • bo-ganya -
  • bongo -
  • boopjak -
  • doopeewee -
  • ecouch-eee -
  • farseein -
  • feetwalken -
  • ganya -
  • garbareeno -
  • gasser -
  • Grandee-Oola -
  • gud -
  • gup -
  • hata hata -
  • heyblibber -
  • huffmaker -
  • keeclumbsee -
  • logreena -
  • lopity-pie -
  • mackaneek -
  • neb -
  • Nocombackie Law -
  • Oma-Oma -
  • ome-goosa -
  • opadda -
  • paddlewompy -
  • shu -
  • skeesh -
  • skeebeetle -
  • spark-ouchee -
  • stickgooshy -
  • toboo nuki -
  • tongue-grabben -
  • tup -
  • umi-yumi -
  • wangzapper -
  • whizbooma -
  • yanzawa -

Words used as masculine given names

The following words had a meaning in Gunganese, but could be used as given names for male Gungans.

  • Aggy – jovial
  • Bar – serene
  • Bimbam – strong
  • Bullba – deep voice
  • Cloppen – big feet
  • Dapnab – favored by the gods
  • Draff – smooth, graceful
  • Faddo – arrives early
  • Friggy – playful
  • Gadnek – blessed
  • Gobar – still water
  • Jad Jo – athletic
  • Jep Do – quick hands
  • Koh pa – small feet
  • Kroke – funny, happy
  • Lergee – swift tongue
  • Loh Ta – long eyes
  • Monab – hard-working
  • Moppo – sad
  • Mumbin – stormy
  • Neb Neb – short (literally 'down down')
  • Nozzie – inquisitive
  • Piknab – clever
  • Po Ban – green eyes (unusual amongst Gungans)
  • Rab Po – round belly
  • Rugor – proud
  • Sarken – smiling
  • Steppo – long-legged
  • Toba – laughs loudly
  • Tobler – laugh easily
  • Tup Tup – tall (literally 'high high')
  • Winkin – sleepy
  • Zak – spear (for catching fish)

Words used as feminine given names

The following words had a meaning in Gunganese, but could be used as given names for female Gungans.

  • Amma – strong
  • Arri – singing
  • Bota – swimming
  • Bulsa – deep voice (feminine form)
  • Ceesi – precious
  • Dab – joy
  • Fassa – quick-witted
  • Feff – sugar
  • Geesa – shy
  • Gritsi – light-colored ear flaps (considered attractive)
  • Gup Gup – thirsty (literally 'drink drink')
  • Hadida – boss' wife
  • Keesa – affectionate
  • Kutsi – dark-colored ear flap (considered boyish)
  • Lob – gift
  • Lunsa – dreaming
  • Melli – pretty
  • Munni – a variety of graceful kelp found Naboo's waterway
  • Neesada – high diver
  • Nommi – nectar (also the name of a popular gungan candy)
  • Osossi – spicy, hot
  • Plansa – thinking
  • Radassa – twirling
  • Samp – mean-spirited (generally used affectionately)
  • Shu Shu – beloved (literally 'love love')
  • Spleed – generous
  • Tinsa – dancing
  • Tolli – compassionate
  • Trisada – gardener
  • Veesa – eager
  • Vum – fast swimmer
  • Wappi – hot-tempered
  • Wulli – friendly

Words used as surnames

The following words had a meaning in Gunganese, but were also used as surnames.

  • Bari – meaning unclear (literally 'balancer')
  • Been – learned scholar
  • Binks – clever guide
  • Carsels – slow-moving river
  • Ceel – vigilant sentry
  • Copek – a violent predator found in Naboo's waterways
  • Dizz – hot waters
  • Dop – skilled diver
  • Flupps – ingenious inventor
  • Gallo – a species of fish found in Naboo's waterways
  • Goodrow – tireless bearer
  • Grizbain – a violent predator once found near the shores of many Naboo rivers and lakes
  • Hentic – water bringer (refers to fire wardens)
  • Hoxie – meaning unclear (literally 'laughing king' ; may refer to archaic court jesters)
  • Marshoo – a species of fish found in Naboo's waterways
  • Marsune – a long-extinct (almost mythical) undersea behemoth
  • Modbom – bubble builder
  • Mokem – grateful guest
  • Nass – deep waters
  • Nukkels – strong warrior
  • Pudlow – a species of fish found in Naboo's waterways
  • Quiglee – a species of fish found in Naboo's waterways
  • Ras – hunter-gatherer
  • Rimk – powerful swimmer
  • Rogoe – wise pilot
  • Slarm – cold waters
  • Squig – a species of fish found in Naboo's waterways
  • Tarpals – fast-moving river
  • Teers – a kind of blue coral found in Naboo's waterway, often used to make weapons
  • Tenko – sharp weapon
  • Toop – musician (literally 'horn blower')
  • Wollod – a species of mollusk found in Naboo's waterways
  • Wupps – talented crafter

