Occupation of Baros

During the Imperial Period, the Galactic Empire occupied the planet Baros, the homeworld of the Brubb species.


At some point between 19 BBY and 0 ABY, the planet Baros came to the attention of the Galactic Empire when a group of Brubb astronomers, postulating that their planet was not the only civilized world in the galaxy, began beaming coded messages into space.

A cargo freighter intercepted one of these messages and reported it to the sector Moff, who then dispatched a light cruiser to investigate its origin.

The occupation

Considered part of the Unknown Regions at the time of its discovery, the planet Baros was found by Thrawn. Thrawn played a pivotal role in the occupation of Baros, teaching the Brubbs to fear and respect the might of the Galactic Empire.

By 0 ABY, Baros was integrated into the Dominus sector of the Outer Rim Territories.


In 9 ABY, several years after being forced into Imperial servitude, the Brubbs' fear of the Galactic Empire still ran deep. During the Thrawn campaign of the Galactic Civil War, the forces of Grand Admiral Thrawn attacked the Baros system once again.

Several days after the attack, the Brubb smuggler and slaver Brasck declined Talon Karrde's offer to join the Smugglers' Alliance during a meeting at Whistler's Whirlpool tapcafe on Trogan. Remembering stories of Thrawn from when he was a child on Baros, Brasck knew too well what the Empire did to traitors, and feared Grand Admiral Thrawn especially.


  • Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
  • Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations
  • The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook









