Occo Ninebar

The name Occo Ninebar is an anagram for Brian Coonce, lead game designer and art director for Star Wars: Racer Revenge.

The word 'Neelabi,' Ninebar's species, is an altered, backwards version of the word 'baleen,' the rows of tooth-like brushes that fill a whale's mouth and filter out krill and plankton.

The Enser Flay 254, Ninebar's podracer, is a Pig Latin reference to the word 'flenser' (a profession responsible for butchering whales to harvest oil and ambergris). 254 refers to Brian Coonce's phone extension at Rainbow Studios (where the game was developed) at the time.

Behind the scenes

The name Occo Ninebar is an anagram for Brian Coonce, lead game designer and art director for Star Wars: Racer Revenge.

The word 'Neelabi,' Ninebar's species, is an altered, backwards version of the word 'baleen,' the rows of tooth-like brushes that fill a whale's mouth and filter out krill and plankton.

The Enser Flay 254, Ninebar's podracer, is a Pig Latin reference to the word 'flenser' (a profession responsible for butchering whales to harvest oil and ambergris). 254 refers to Brian Coonce's phone extension at Rainbow Studios (where the game was developed) at the time.



