Nymos Lyle

When the Imperial loyalty officer Emarr Ottkreg was assigned to the vessel, Sloane ordered Lyle to keep Ottkreg away from her as much as possible; however, during the Battle of Endor, Lyle was unable to dissuade the loyalty officer from approaching the admiral on the Vigilances bridge. The pair then remained on the bridge and watched Sloane give orders for the remainder of the battle. When it became clear the Empire had lost and that the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station would be destroyed, Sloane shot Ottkreg and ordered all remaining Imperial vessels to retreat.

Nymos Lyle appeared in the short story "The Levers of Power," which was written by Jason Fry and published in the anthology The Rise of the Empire in 2015.

Behind the scenes

Nymos Lyle appeared in the short story "The Levers of Power," which was written by Jason Fry and published in the anthology The Rise of the Empire in 2015.



