

Nyemari was a planet in the Meridian sector, in the Outer Rim Territories. By 1 ABY, Anem, the planet's capital city, had the most modern, architecturally sophisticated spaceport in the Meridian sector. Anem itself was a maze of skyscrapers, a veritable forest of transparisteel and duracrete.


During the Galactic War, the planet descended into a civil war which caused several Nyemarian to flee despite the sect vowing to kill all deserters.

In 1 ABY, Rebel leader Leia Organa and her companions Luke Skywalker and Han Solo infiltrated the Royal Palace on Nyemari to steal access codes for the Galactic Empire garrison. The Rebels were forced to exfiltrate when Solo bumped Organa and she hit the silent alarm. Organa went off to acquire a means of escape while Skywalker and Solo hid in a closet, with the Wookiee Chewbacca standing watch and blending in with the Palace guards. Organa barreled through the walls of the palace with an airspeeder with blasters blazing, picking up her companions. Organa's piloting allowed them to avoid the Royal guards giving chase on 74-Z speeder bikes.

The Rebels returned to the South Anem Spaceport, where they had hid their starship, the Millennium Falcon, with a Nyemarian, Li Preni, who owed Solo a favor. The man lied about meeting the Glymphid following the Rebels, but told the truth when Chewbacca threatened him. Thinking it was a bounty hunter from Jabba following them, Solo convinced the others to confront the Glymphid.

The Rebels cornered the Glymphid following them. The Glymphid approached Skywalker and gave him a hologram from former Imperial Commander Rezi Soresh asking for Skywalker to meet him in the Sixela system, and threatening to kill a ship full of over 100 passengers if Skywalker didn't comply. As a measure of his power, Soresh had the messenger killed in front of Skywalker using some sort of activated poison. Skywalker knew he had no choice and would go alone to meet Soresh, but his companions would not let him go without backup. They then left Nyemari to meet Soresh on his barren moon.


The planet's primary inhabitants were the Nyemarians. The government was led by a Duchess. To the Nyemarian palace guards, all Wookiees looked the same, but the guards were not surprised to see one in the palace.


The capital city was Anem, which hosted the Royal Palace. The South Anem Spaceport was located on the edge of Anem and the local desert. The Nyemari Imperial Military Installation was also located on the planet.

Behind the scenes

Nyemari is a planet featuring in the final book of Alex Wheeler's Star Wars: Rebel Force series.


  • The Essential Reader's Companion






