Nord (Rebel)

Around 4 ABY Nord commanded the Pride of Aridus, an Alliance Special Operations transport which participated in a Special Ops operation on an Imperial-controlled planet. His Second Officer was the second lieutenant Alfonso Luiz Obota.

Feigning to discharge legitimate cargo, the ship landed and let out a twelve-man team of men and women commandos, who — according to the insertion plan — were supposed to come back in exactly six hours. The group being late by two minutes, Nord was almost ready to leave without them. Suddenly, the commandos finally raced toward the ship under heavy fire from the Imperials. As the Pride of Aridus fell under fire as well, Nord gave the order to take off, intent on leaving the SpecOps team behind. Not willing to abandon his fellow Rebels, Obota punched Nord in the face and confined him in his cabin. During that time Obota took command of the vessel in an attempt to extract as many as possible, which however resulted in additional deaths.

Once they made it back to Alliance space, Obota was court-martialed, with Nord claiming that he had always be insubordinate.


Around 4 ABY Nord commanded the Pride of Aridus, an Alliance Special Operations transport which participated in a Special Ops operation on an Imperial-controlled planet. His Second Officer was the second lieutenant Alfonso Luiz Obota.

Feigning to discharge legitimate cargo, the ship landed and let out a twelve-man team of men and women commandos, who — according to the insertion plan — were supposed to come back in exactly six hours. The group being late by two minutes, Nord was almost ready to leave without them. Suddenly, the commandos finally raced toward the ship under heavy fire from the Imperials. As the Pride of Aridus fell under fire as well, Nord gave the order to take off, intent on leaving the SpecOps team behind. Not willing to abandon his fellow Rebels, Obota punched Nord in the face and confined him in his cabin. During that time Obota took command of the vessel in an attempt to extract as many as possible, which however resulted in additional deaths.

Once they made it back to Alliance space, Obota was court-martialed, with Nord claiming that he had always be insubordinate.



