
The company was headquartered in the Stratablock 7 building located in Ektra city. Nonsu also was involved in the production of materials that helped expand the city of Ektra. Nonsu was unchallenged except for the rival company CarsinShare which competed for business with the Nonsu corporation. The two companies would stage death matches in the underworld of Ektra, where champion gladiators from each company would fight to the death.


The company was headquartered in the Stratablock 7 building located in Ektra city. Nonsu also was involved in the production of materials that helped expand the city of Ektra. Nonsu was unchallenged except for the rival company CarsinShare which competed for business with the Nonsu corporation. The two companies would stage death matches in the underworld of Ektra, where champion gladiators from each company would fight to the death.
