
In 1 BBY, he was assigned to the fleet of Jerec, and was tasked with destroying the Rebel forces on Sulon. In preparation for the Subjugation of Sulon, Noda was ordered to paint the Rebel crest on his vehicles in a move to discredit the Rebels for their aggressive actions; although he followed orders, he didn't see the point, as the notion that the Alliance would capture such material seemed unrealistic to him.

Noda commanded an AT-AT towards the G-Tap. His vehicle was moving downstream, accompanied by two AT-STs.

The ground forces managed to push the defenders into the cave. Those of the thirty-seven survivors who could still stand, were lined up and sorted in front of the G-Tap. Noda, having a datapad with profiles combined from Jerec's agents and probe droids, personally inspected and identified each one; Jerec ordered that leading figures would be held for interrogation while the rest would be executed.

Noda had black hair, almond-shaped eyes, and high cheekbones.

Although not a coward, he was a naturally cautious man, and was stressed by the knowledge that Jerec was monitoring all his communications and movements


In 1 BBY, he was assigned to the fleet of Jerec, and was tasked with destroying the Rebel forces on Sulon. In preparation for the Subjugation of Sulon, Noda was ordered to paint the Rebel crest on his vehicles in a move to discredit the Rebels for their aggressive actions; although he followed orders, he didn't see the point, as the notion that the Alliance would capture such material seemed unrealistic to him.

Noda commanded an AT-AT towards the G-Tap. His vehicle was moving downstream, accompanied by two AT-STs.

The ground forces managed to push the defenders into the cave. Those of the thirty-seven survivors who could still stand, were lined up and sorted in front of the G-Tap. Noda, having a datapad with profiles combined from Jerec's agents and probe droids, personally inspected and identified each one; Jerec ordered that leading figures would be held for interrogation while the rest would be executed.

Appearance and traits

Noda had black hair, almond-shaped eyes, and high cheekbones.

Although not a coward, he was a naturally cautious man, and was stressed by the knowledge that Jerec was monitoring all his communications and movements



