
Nima'tar, also known by her nickname Mina, was a female green-skinned Twi'lek scholar, remembered for her theories and writings regarding Hutt society. She was Jabba Desilijic Tiure's personal slave dancer just before the position was filled by Oola.


During her early life, Mina applied to and was accepted by a university where she specialized in Hutt Anthropology and Culture. Lacking sufficient funds to complete her required years of study, she toured the galaxy as the lead singer with an unnamed band to pay for her tuition as well as to work on her thesis.

Eventually, her band was offered a chance to play for the intergalactic crimelord Jabba the Hutt in his palace on Tatooine. Despite being wary of Jabba's reputation, the band accepted, believing they could be cautious enough to avoid any unpleasant business.

The band eventually arrived on Tatooine and began their contract. During one of their performances, Mina witnessed another Twi'lek girl defy Jabba which lead to her being fed to his pet rancor, an experience that greatly disturbed her.

After their contract was completed Jabba refused to pay the band for their services, leaving them broke and with no means of travel. The band resorted to selling Mina to Jabba as a slave for funds to book transport off-world and Mina remained in Jabba's service. Her primary duties consisted of attending to Jabba and entertaining him, as she was forced to dance for Jabba as well as clean him. During her captivity, Mina continued working on her thesis, using her experiences in the palace as inspiration in the hope that she would someday be able to escape and publish it.

When Oola first arrived at the palace, Mina noticed Jabba was already becoming enamored with the new Twi'lek. She began to fear for her own life, since she remembered how easily she herself had replaced Jabba's previous dancer after she had been fed to the rancor. That night, Mina managed to cut the chain that bound her to Jabba using a nail file and attempted to escape with many of the notes she had taken. However, when she came to the palace gates, she encountered Tamtel Skreej, one of Jabba's guards. Fearful at first, Mina told Skreej he didn't need to call for the other guards and that she would return to Jabba's side willingly, but was surprised when he stood aside and allowed her to escape. She thanked him as the gates closed and left the palace. She eventually managed to find passage off-world, returning to and then graduating from her University as a scholar of Hutt culture and became a celebrated lecturer on the subject. Her thesis was published under the name "."

Personality and traits

Mina was quite sarcastic and dry in her tone, often making quips and comments regarding her previous circumstances meant to elicit a humorous reaction. However, one of her greatest fears was Jabba's pet rancor. This fear stemmed from the trauma of watching Jabba's previous dancer being fed to the Rancor after refusing the Hutt's advances. Despite having no prior experience in dance, the possibility of being fed to the beast motivated Mina to learn quickly and she became quite adept in the art. Mina's dedication to her studies was quite strong; even when she was enslaved as Jabba's personal dancer, she continued to write her thesis on Hutt anthropology, even incorporating her personal experiences of enslavement into the paper. This eventually paid off, as her work was eventually recognized across the galaxy and she was often asked to give lectures on the subject.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



