Nim Mindbend

Nim Mindbend was a criminal who operated during the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. At some point during the war, Mindbend was wanted dead for the act of kidnapping, theft and murder with a prize of 120,000 credits. Mindbend was discussed as a potential target by a group of bounty hunters at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on the desert planet Tatooine; however, they felt that the bounty was too low, and instead opted for Savage Opress, a Zabrak who was trained in the arts of the Sith, who had a much larger bounty.

Behind the scenes

An image of Mindbend first appeared on a building on Tatooine in "Bounty," an episode of the fourth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. Mindbend's image was first seen in close-up in the episode "Revenge"; Mindbend was identified in the episode's trivia gallery on As Mindbend's only image is a blue-tinted hologram, it is impossible to definitively state his eye and skin color.






