New Republic Third Fleet

In 28 ABY, amid heavy losses in the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Third Fleet was reorganized along with the rest of the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic as the Galactic Alliance Third Fleet.

Operational History

The New Republic Third Fleet was led by Admiral Gial Ackbar after the Battle of Endor. It fought Grand Admiral Syn's Imperial forces during the liberation of Kashyyyk. The Third Fleet, under the command of Admiral Nammo, was defeated in battle at the Bilbringi system by Admiral Teren Rogriss and the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing in 6 ABY.

After its capture, the Guardian was assigned to the Third Fleet. After the Almanian Uprising, it and the Fifth Fleet were sent to battle the Imperial Remnant in the Outer Rim.

In preparation of the Battle of Fondor, it was stationed at Kuat. It later became the Galactic Alliance Third Fleet.

The Jantol and Farlight were part of this fleet.


  • Cracken's Threat Dossier
  • The Essential Chronology
  • The New Essential Chronology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare






