Nettic Whain

Nettic Whain was a male officer who served the Galactic Empire on Carida. By 10 BBY, he had achieved the rank of captain at the Carida Academy, where he served as commanding officer to Sergeant Triosa Broog. Whain questioned Broog, the commanding officer to Han Solo, on why the disobedient cadet had not been expelled from the academy after repeated demerits and incidents of insubordination. She pointed to Solo's exemplary flight record, explaining that she had never seen anyone with his reaction time or innovative problem-solving skills when piloting a ship. Whain countered that he would rather have one hundred recruits who follow orders than the best pilot in the galaxy who does not. She implored the captain to give Solo one more chance, declaring she believed she could get him to follow orders. After realizing just how impressive Solo's flight skills were, Whain relented, on the condition that she take away his flight privileges for a week—if Solo improved he could be reinstated and if he did not, he would be expelled and sent somewhere a soldier who could not follow orders could be useful.






