
Nelvana Inc. is a Canadian animation company who produced the animated segment for The Star Wars Holiday Special in 1978, and produced the Droids and Ewoks animated series from 1985 to 1987. Steve Chadwick worked as production assistant for these two series.

Nelvana is also known for the feature length animated film Rock & Rule which was referenced in an image in the RPG article Star Wars Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO from Polyhedron 170.

The planet of Nelvaan was named for the company.

Both Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, and the Millennium Falcon make brief cameos in the 1979 Nelvanamation special Romie-0 and Julie-8.


Notes and references

  • Another Nelvana series, Inspector Gadget (co-produced with DiC Entertainment), used some of Ben Burtt's Star Wars sound effects in the first season.
