
During the Clone Wars, Nelsel was a female Dathomirian Zabrak member of the Nightsisters, a group of Force-sensitive witches. Hailing from the planet Dathomir, they wore traditional Nightsister robes and wielded a Nightsister energy bow.

Before the Second Battle of Dathomir in 19 BBY, Arzo Suun, a former member of the Nightbrothers warrior group, hired fellow Nightbrothers Ruul and Mak Eak as well as another group of individuals to steal supplies from a warehouse-like building located in the mountaintop Nightbrother village. After Nelsel sensed their presence using the Force, they and their group of Nightsisters snuck into the building's upper structure and caught the group.

Nelsel was mentioned in Collapse of the Republic, a roleplaying supplementary sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.

Behind the scenes

Nelsel was mentioned in Collapse of the Republic, a roleplaying supplementary sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.


  • Collapse of the Republic
