
Nefra, formally referred to as Nefra, Who Bars the Way was an alchemically-modified female underwalker created by Dread Master Brontes. Nefra was tasked with guarding the gate to the Dread Fortress on the moon Oricon, and was slain by invading forces during the Dread War.

Nefra, Who Bars the Way appears in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel as the first boss in Operation: Dread Fortress, which was added in Game Update 2.4. Like other Operation bosses, Nefra is featured in trophies in the Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds.

Behind the scenes

Nefra, Who Bars the Way appears in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel as the first boss in Operation: Dread Fortress, which was added in Game Update 2.4. Like other Operation bosses, Nefra is featured in trophies in the Digital Expansion Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds.






