
Neelie was a pair of container transports used by the Galactic Empire during the Zaarin insurrection.

They were part of a minor convoy that was "leaked" to rogue Grand Admiral Zaarin, claiming to be carrying Missile Boats. In reality, they were carrying munitions. Zaarin, however, learned that it was a trap and sent only a minor force to destroy the convoy rather than capture it. The attack failed, and the two container transports jumped into hyperspace.

The transports appear in Star Wars: TIE Fighter in Battle 11, Mission 3. The briefing states they are carrying munitions. In the game, their cargo says "Miss. Boat," suggesting that they do carry Missile Boats.

Behind the scenes

The transports appear in Star Wars: TIE Fighter in Battle 11, Mission 3. The briefing states they are carrying munitions. In the game, their cargo says "Miss. Boat," suggesting that they do carry Missile Boats.



