Narmle Militia

The Narmle Militia, also known as the Narmle Police Forces, was a militia and police force responsible for defending the city of Narmle on Naboo's moon of Rori.


The Narmle Militia was formally under the authority of the Royal Naboo Security Forces but Narmle Militia members were quite reluctant to work with the RSF. Collaboration was easier with the First Brigade of Restuss.

Members of the Narmle Militia wore purple-colored uniforms. Captain, colonel, commander, ensign, lieutenant and major were some of the ranks used in this organization. The militia also included riflemen, guards, commandos and grenadiers.


During the Galactic Civil War, the Narmle Militia was fighting several local criminal organizations such as the Rori Spice Mining Collective, the Kobola Miners and the Hutts.

After the Battle of Yavin, a member of the Narmle Militia helped Wernell Covington to find Jurgen Nath and Vladlun Travan, the murderers of his daughter Felicia. Around the same time, RSF Lieutenant Orden Tarc was stationed in Narmle as a liaison officer between the Royal Naboo Security Forces and the Narmle Militia. Tarc requested the assistance of the Narmle Militia to investigate into a number of break-ins at cybernetic labs on Rori but the Militia only dispatched a spacer.




