Naos Asteroid Belt

Around 3643 BBY, an individual affiliated with one of the sides in the then-ongoing struggle between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire sought and found the fortress in the Naos Asteroid Belt.

The Naos Asteroid Belt was introduced in an Archaeology Crew Skill mission of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 video game developed by BioWare, though the information regarding the mission's outcome was later removed from the game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Naos system, and therefore the asteroid belt, in grid square S-18.

Behind the scenes

The Naos Asteroid Belt was introduced in an Archaeology Crew Skill mission of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 video game developed by BioWare, though the information regarding the mission's outcome was later removed from the game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Naos system, and therefore the asteroid belt, in grid square S-18.



