Nan Latourain

A Force-sensitive, Nan Latourain was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order before passing his Trials of Knighthood and ascending to the rank of Jedi Knight. Delving into the work of the Sentinel, Latourain became an expert slicer and attained the rank of Jedi Master at some point in time.

Latourain was stationed at the Coruscant Jedi Temple in 24 BBY, having been offered a position as an instructor. Accepting, Latourain taught classes in codes, ciphers, and encryption bypasses at the Temple academy to older initiates. Famed Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi studied under Latourain during his time at the academy.


A Force-sensitive, Nan Latourain was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order before passing his Trials of Knighthood and ascending to the rank of Jedi Knight. Delving into the work of the Sentinel, Latourain became an expert slicer and attained the rank of Jedi Master at some point in time.

Latourain was stationed at the Coruscant Jedi Temple in 24 BBY, having been offered a position as an instructor. Accepting, Latourain taught classes in codes, ciphers, and encryption bypasses at the Temple academy to older initiates. Famed Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi studied under Latourain during his time at the academy.



