Najeema Boddee

Najeema Boddee was a male Gungan from Naboo who moved to Tinnel IV along with his family. During his childhood, he met the human Jothan Tiaan Jerjerrod, and they became best friends. Later he and his family were sent back to their homeworld by Jax Jerjerrod.

Shortly before a mission to the planet Vodran, Dec Hansen, a xenophobic Resistance trainee from Ques, insulted Jerjerrod for speaking Gunganese, saying that Gungans were dumb. Jerjerrod came to the defense of the species, stating that his best friend, Boddee, was a Gungan who was one hundred times better than Hansen, and two hundred times better than AG-90, Hansen's droid "brother."

Najeema Boddee was first mentioned in Join the Resistance and later identified as Najeema Bodde in Join the Resistance: Attack on Starkiller Base

Behind the scenes

Najeema Boddee was first mentioned in Join the Resistance and later identified as Najeema Bodde in Join the Resistance: Attack on Starkiller Base






