Naboo Royal Navy


The Naboo Royal Navy was part of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, an organization that served the Human Royal House of Naboo on the planet Naboo. The navy operated from a base that lay on a river southwest of the city Spinnaker and west of a village. The base contained multiple troop centers and a fortress, which could be used to train Royal troopers, Tuskcat Troopers, and Royal crusaders, along with a Heavy Weapons Factory and a mech factory, both of which could produce military vehicles.

The base also held a shipyard on the river, which could be used to manufacture military-capable boats such as Light Scouts. The base was later expanded to include an airbase that could assemble NB-1 Royal Bombers. It was additionally protected by turrets and shield generators. A group of PKN-49 worker droids tended to the base, gathering natural resources and constructing buildings. Additional vehicles used by the navy included energy pummels and Naboo energy catapults. The Spinnaker Navy was associated with the Naboo Royal Navy, directly serving Spinnaker with vessels operating on its coastline.


In 32 BBY, during the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation, Spinnaker was targeted by the Trade Federation Droid Army. Shortly before the invasion of Spinnaker began, the worker droids expanded the base's defenses by constructing an additional shield generator near the entrance and an airbase on the other side of the river. The B1-Series battle droid OOM-9 captured and occupied the village near Spinnaker and the Naboo Royal Navy's base. In response, the Naboo Royal Navy sent an attacking force of Royal crusaders, three energy pummels, three Naboo energy catapults, and three Tuckcat Troopers to the village. The battle droids repelled the attack and subsequently focused on fortifying their new base and expanding their territory while the Royal Navy continued to send boats, bombers, and troopers to attack. OOM-9 sent a group of three labor droids to build multiple turrets in the space between the village and the Navy's base.

The Navy's base came under attack by the Trade Federation.

The Navy's base came under attack by the Trade Federation.

The labor droids began gathering the area's nova crystals, a highly valuable natural resource, which the Royal Navy fought to reclaim. The droids sent six Droid Starfighters to protect the workers from the Navy's forces. When OOM-9 was ready to destroy the Navy, he ordered ten Droid Starfighters to clear out their boats on the river and sent in energy pummels to destroy the base's fortress and turrets, losing at least one of the pummels in the process. With those defenses eliminated, the Trade Federation used its fighters to destroy the Navy's remaining forces while the pummels destroyed every building. When attacking Spinnaker itself, the boats of the Spinnaker Navy were also destroyed.

Behind the scenes

The Naboo Royal Navy was first mentioned in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent,—released on November 7, 2001—before appearing in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, released on November 11, 2001. The Navy appears as an opposing faction to the player in "Spinnaker's Spoils," the third level of the Trade Federation campaign. The player is not required to defeat the Navy in order to complete the level, but the strategy guide recommends doing so.

The guide describes the Navy as having anti-air turrets, more than one fortress, and a spaceport, but none of these are present in the game. The Naboo Royal Navy creating units to attack the player, only stopping once they are defeated. In the game's hard and moderate difficulty modes, the Naboo Royal Navy's CPU immediately begins building an additional shield generator and the airbase, whereas in easy mode, the base begins with the additional shield generator already in place. In all versions, the Navy's PKN-49 worker droids may construct additional buildings. This article follows the hard difficulty mode's version of events.







