
Clone Wars

Nable was a youngling, member of the Soaring Hawkbat Clan. The clan was stationed at the Jedi chapter house on Bogden 3. They were awaiting transport back to the Coruscant Jedi Temple, which had been delayed due to the battle there. When Masters K'Kruhk and Sian Jeisel arrived with their clone troopers, Order 66 was issued. Several of the younglings were killed as Du Mahn defended them. K'Kruhk and Chase Piru ultimately escaped with nine younglings to parts unknown. Two months afterwards, the young Jedi was living with the group of younglings in exile under the tutelage of K'Kruhk.

Great Jedi Purge

Nable was present when Lumbra and his men came to the youngling's camp. When they noticed that the broken ship had a piece that they needed, Lumbra proceeded to take it. As he approached the ship, fellow youngling, Seddwia, jumped at him saying that it was their ship and to leave it alone. Lumbra grabbed Seddwia by the arm and pulled her away, starting a conflict. Piru jumped to her rescue, but was shot and believed dead. When Lumbra realized they were Jedi younglings, they were chained up and on their way to be turned into the Empire.

The younglings were freed by K'Kruhk who gave in to un-jedi like behavior briefly. With the help of Chase Piru, he shot down Lumbra's men with arrows. Lumbra and his shipmate, Callow, died at the hands of K'Kruhk's lightsaber.


Nable and the rest of the Jedi crash-landed on the planet Arkinnea and were taken into custody by the Arkinnea Militia. He was placed into a refugee camp with the rest of his group. The youngling was present when Master Zao found them in the refugee camp. After dinner, Nable sat down with the rest of the younglings as Zao taught them their daily lesson.

Nable picking beelpop melons on Arkinnea

Nable picking beelpop melons on Arkinnea

Nable, along with the rest of the younglings and Jedi, escaped the refugee camp under the cover of darkness and made their way out into the Arkinnean countryside. He and the other younglings scavenged fields, picking Beelpop melons and other vegetables. They continued their trip, and Nable took a nap in the back of the repulsorcart with the rest of the children. They reached a hill, and Nable joined in with the rest of the younglings as they raced Piru to the top. When they reached the top, he was shocked to discover an open mass grave where the Arkinnea Militia had been dropping refugees to their deaths. He then covered his eyes in horror as an ore carrier flew over the valley and dropped another load of refugees to their deaths. When K'Kruhk realized the group had been spotted, he used the Force to toss Nable and the others into the back of the cart. The vehicle reached the bottom of the hill and hit a tree, throwing Nable and the others out of it.

After recovering from the crash, Nable and the rest of the younglings followed Zao deeper into the forest. He hid with the group when they heard blaster fire. Nable was present when the Yunu found the group of Jedi. The Arkinnea Militia caught up with the two groups and held them at gunpoint. As the militia opened fire, Zao used to force to raise a boulder out of the ground to give them cover. Nable fled with Piru and the other younglings but returned when the blasterfire subsided. After the battle, Nable and the rest of the clan followed the Yunu deeper into the forest. He asked Zao about where the Yunu were leading them. He greeted K'Kruhk when he caught up with the rest of the group. Nable settled into his new home and continued his training as a Jedi. He traveled with Piru to meet Commander Teron to pick up the yearly supplies the Imperial officer had arranged to provide. They waited there for five days and then returned to the outpost empty-handed.






























