
Naasa was an alien female who was a witch elder and advisor within Mother Aniseya's coven on the planet Brendok during the High Republic Era. In 148 BBY, Naasa attended a meeting of Mother Aniseya's advisors after a group of Jedi sought out the Mother's twin daughters, Verosha Aniseya and Mae-ho Aniseya, and gained Aniseya's permission to test them as potential Jedi.

The elder suggested that only passing the test resulted in the twins leaving with the Jedi, and so Mother Aniseya instructed her daughters to intentionally fail, although Verosha disobeyed this order and ultimately left with the Jedi after many of the witches perished when the coven's fortress set on fire.


Naasa was an alien female in the exiled witch coven of Mother Aniseya, serving as an elder and advisor to the group's leader in its fortress on the planet Brendok during the High Republic Era. In 148 BBY, a group of four Jedi came to the fortress seeking Mother Aniseya's twin daughters, Verosha Aniseya and Mae-ho Aniseya, who the were being trained by the witches.

After a confrontation at the twins Rite of Ascension ritual, the Jedi requested that Mother Aniseya give permission for the twins to be tested to become Jedi. The coven's leader agreed that they would take the test the following day, then called a meeting of her advisors in the fortress's common room after the Jedi had left the fortress.

Sage advice

Naasa attended the meeting but sat on the common room's steps while the others present stood. Mother Koril suggested that the coven attack the Jedi, but others objected and Aniseya ultimately rejected the idea, stating that the test would be taken. Koril then questioned what would happen when the Jedi discovered the twins' origin, at which point Naasa interjected, slowly standing as the other advisors turned to listen. As Naasa slowly moved toward Koril and Mother Aniseya, the elder pointed out that the test could be passed or failed, with only the pass result leading to the twins being taken away by the Jedi.

After the meeting, Mother Aniseya instructed Verosha and Mae-ho to purposefully fail the test that the Jedi gave them which Mae-ho gladly did. Verosha, however, wished to become a Jedi and so passed the test. Soon after, Mae-ho confronted Verosha and started a fire, with the whole fortress soon setting ablaze. The Jedi Sol rescued Verosha and on their way out of the fortress they found many of the coven's members dead.

Personality and traits

By 148 BBY, Naasa was wizened and elderly, requiring a cane to walk and struggling to stand during the meeting in the common room. The witch had tan skin and brown eyes.


Naasa wore purple robes with a golden trim, a gray hat, and a necklace with many flat or thin golden adornments. The witch had a golden ring on each index finger and another on their left ring finger. Naasa's cane was brown.

Behind the scenes

Naasa first appeared in "Destiny," the third episode of the television series The Acolyte, which aired June 11, 2024 on Disney+. Prior to the release of the episode, the character was first revealed in a trailer for the show released on May 18, 2024. The character was physically portrayed by Barbara Fadden and voiced by Shelby Young.






